![Daniel Chapter 12 Timeline Graph- The Formula](https://september2021.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/DANIEL-CHAPTER-12-THE-FORMULA-1024x633.png)
One of the most profound discoveries is the end times ancient mathematical formula that I like to refer to as the Daniel Chapter 12 Mathematical Formula. As I state in my book, Messiah’s Jubilee, this formula is only found in the 12th chapter of the book of Daniel. Within the 12th chapter, there are three sets of days – 1260, 1290 and 1335 days as noted in verses 7, 11 and 12 of chapter twelve. The 12th chapter starts off describing a great distress to hit mankind along with a remnant of people who will be delivered including those who have died from past generations…
“At that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has never occurred since the beginning of the nation until then. But at that time your people—everyone who is found written in the book—will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake—some to everlasting life, and others to shame and everlasting contempt.
Daniel 12:1-2
To me, this scripture depicts the rapture or the Groom coming for His bride as a “Thief in the Night”, meaning that this event will not only be a celebration for believers but also terror for an unbelieving world. These two verses set the tone for the remaining chapter. In verse four, Daniel is instructed that this prophecy would be sealed until the time of the end, meaning that it is to be revealed in the last days where knowledge will increase.
But you, Daniel, close up the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will run back and forth and knowledge will increase.’
Daniel 12:4
Continuing within this chapter, we discover that it seems to point to the Final Week or final 7 years of man’s rule because of what is mentioned in verse 11….
“From the time that the daily burnt offering is taken away, and abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days.
Daniel 12:11
This verse is of particular importance and trustworthy because it was referenced by Yahshua (Jesus) himself as being the key indicator of the end times events that would take place as recorded in the book of Mathew. The context is our generation as he states, “This Good News of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
“So when you see ‘the abomination of desolation,’ which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the Holy Place (let the reader understand),
Mathew 24:15
So, we see that Daniel Chapter 12 is a Key prophetic book that points to the end of days. I will prove to you within this post that this End Times Mathematical Formula contained within this chapter highlights two prophetic weeks or two seven year of time. I go into great detail within my book of the 1st and 2nd Messianic Weeks with a special emphasis on the two Shemitah years. Please note that (YT) represents Yom Teruah and (YK) represents Yom Kippur. Here are the two – seven year prophetic weeks with the prophetic Shemitah year...
- (YT) 2014 to (YK) 2021 (1st Messianic Week) (Shemitah YT 2021 to YT2022)
- (YT) 2022 to (YK) 2029 (2nd Messianic Week) (Shemitah YT 2028 to YT2029)
So What is the Daniel Chapter 12 Mathematical Formula?
I first discovered this formula back on 8/19/14 when I was searching for a better understanding of the 1260 and 1290 days. I had already discovered the lunar Jubilee of 49 lunar years that I now call the Messiah’s Jubilee. I was in a search in trying to make sense of the 7 sets of 360 days or 2,520 days.
I eventually came across a website by Gavin Finley that definitely answered that question. He had discovered the connection from Yom Teruah (YT) to Yom Kippur (YK) over a span of 7 years or precisely 2,550 days (1,260 + 1,290) being made up of 86 lunar moon cycles. The math is simple…
- 86 moons x 29.53 days/moon cycle = 2,540 days from YT to YT and another 10 days for YK that equals 2,550 days in total. As a side note, their are either 86 or 87 moons over a seven year period of time. My belief is that key Biblical events will take place on the YT and YK 2,550 day connections.
Once I discovered this connection, I went ahead and made the connection of the remaining 1,335 days and discovered that by adding 1,335 days from YT resulted in a connection to Shavuot. In other words, by starting on YT and adding 1,335 days, the end result will either finalizing on Shavuot or not. At that moment, I knew it was beyond coincidence and what I had was a legitimate mathematical formula that could be used to possibly identify key prophetic future dates.
The complete Daniel Chapter 12 Mathematical Formula is as follows…
- By starting on YT of any year, we add 2,550 days & the end result will either land on YK or not. Additionally, by starting on YT of any year, we add 1,335 days & the end result will either land on Shavuot or not. All that is needed is to identify and use the correct lunisolar calendar!
Please see the following graph once more for a visual representation of this ancient formula…
![Daniel Chapter 12 Timeline Graph- The Formula](https://september2021.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/DANIEL-CHAPTER-12-THE-FORMULA-1024x633.png)
According to what is written in my book, on 6/14/20, I went into my office to try to make sense of this formula beyond 2021. My first edition book was titled “September 2021” and back in 2014 I did not calculate beyond 2021 thinking at the time that this was the key event. Years after publishing my first edition, I knew there were other key dates beyond 2021.
So, back on 6/14/20, I went ahead and used two lunisolar calendar systems. The most accurate was the Creator’s calendar from the website Torahcalendar.com, which uses a highly accurate database of the precise conjunctions of the moon cycles. My second choice was the Jewish calendar by using Hebcal.com
I went ahead and plugged the Daniel Chapter 12 Mathematical Formulas into both calendar systems with the following results. Please view the following image that I have titled, “Results Via The Jewish Calendar Identify 2021, 2026 & 2029 As Key Prophetic years.”
![The Jewish Calendar's Five Days out of 21 years from 2010 to 2031](https://september2021.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/VIA-JEWISH-CALENDAR-RESULTS-1024x550.jpg)
My thought process at that time was to start in the year 2010 and add 2,550 days from Yom Teruah (YT). I knew that I would need to use the conjunction dates from Torahcalendar.com and not the Metonic lunar dates that is incorporated within the Jewish calendar. Please note that the Jewish calendar adds an extra 7 months over a span of precisely 19 solar years or an extra month on years 3, 6, 8, 11,14,17 and 19. This needs to be done in order to balance the calendar system with the Feasts and for planting and sowing. By incorporating the Metonic lunar calculation, the Jewish calendar’s Feasts are not in line with the actual conjunction dates as mandated by scripture. Thus, this is the reason why I decided to use Torahcalendar.com in order to identify these key conjunction dates. What I discovered is that the actual conjunction can be off by two or three days or up to one month.
As noted on the graph, there are a total of (15) seven year periods starting with 2010 and finalizing on 2031 or a span of 21 years. My next step was to begin on YT and add 2,550 days by using timeanddate.com. I then went to the Jewish calendar to see if the formula landed on YK. If it did, I placed a YES and if not, then NO. The results for the YK was just 2- YES and 13-NO. see the results on the graph under “Finalize on Yom Kippur?”
- Yom Kippur Results – 2 YES (YK 2021 & YK 2029)
At that time I remembered thinking that the results seemed surreal as only two out of a possible 15 dates seemed to violate the rules of the Metonic Moon Cycle. I instantly knew what the two results represented primarily due to the connection to YT 2021 I had made back in 2014.
I then went on and calculated for the Shavuot connections. Once again, I knew that I would be using the same YT start dates as I did for the YK dates. I went through the same methodology and in the end there were only 3 days out of 15 years that stood out. Those days being …
- Shavuot 2018, Shavuot 2021 and Shavuot 2026.
By the way, anyone can use the methodology I used and come out with the same results. What is so amazing about these results is that it lines up with the Messiah’s Jubilee precisely and it stems from a ancient mathematical formula waiting to be discovered.
Of the 5 dates listed above, two have passed. Those feast dates being Shavuot 2018 and Shavuot 2021. When we research Shavuot 2018, we discover the prophetic event that took place. Shavuot 2018 (5/14/18) was the precise date of the recognition by the most powerful nation on earth of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. We have this beautiful connection to Daniel 9:24 with the Jewish People and Jerusalem to the Feast of Shavuot and the precise 70 Year connection to the very day to 5/14/48, that being when Israel became a nation in one day exactly on the eve of Shavuot according to Torahcalendar.com. So, a prophetic 1948 Shavuot to 2018 Shavuot connection of 70 years.
With regards to Shavuot 2021, I have written an article describing some of the events that happened on and around that feast.
In summary, there are many more connections and patterns associated with this formula, but for the sake of time and in order to keep this post on point, I need to close it out here. If you are interested in understanding all of the connections inclusive on September 2021 and beyond, then Messiah’s Jubilee is available for purchase. There is the digital version for only $4.19 that contains high definition images and graphs and of course the printed version.