In this post I would like to go into greater detail of what the apostle Paul was referring to when he used the expression the “Twinkling of an Eye”. I will be discussing this from a Christian/ Hebraic perspective and connecting this expression to the beginning of the fall feast of Yom Teruah also known as the Feast of Trumpets.
Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1 Corinthians 15: 51-52
This scripture in 1 Corinthians describes the Rapture of the Church as it is known within Christianity today. This scripture seems to tie in with other scriptures within the Bible. What comes to mind is a connection to Daniel Chapter twelve. These two verses seem to indicate the tribulation event and the rapture taking place simultaneously…
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Daniel 12: 1-2
On a side note, I believe we can make a direct connection of Daniel Chapter 12 to our current generation by the use of the Daniel Chapter 12 Mathematical Formula that ultimately highlight two final prophetic weeks beyond the Messiah’s Jubilee (6/7/67 to YK 2015) from Yom Teruah (YT) to Yom Kippur (YK) from 2014 to 2029. I go into greater detail on one of my prior posts.
The Twinkling of an Eye – An Idiom Associated with the Ending the Sixth and entering the Seventh
According to Torahcalendar.com, the “twinkling of an eye” is more than just an expression within our Western mindset of an event happening within an instant. This phrase is used as an idiom to describe an event that happens everyday.
If I were to reference this idiom of a “twinkling of an eye” to the common week of Sunday through Saturday, then I would reference a special connection of Friday night after sunset to the Saturday Shabbat. In other words, we have six days of work, that being Sunday through Friday, with Friday being the sixth day. The 7th Shemitah day is Saturday and the beginning of this seventh day of rest happens after sunset on Friday night. Essentially a final connection from the end of the 6th to the beginning of the 7th…
Entering the Seventh Shemitah Day of Rest
Within my book, Messiah’s Jubilee, I make many references to this concept of the ending of the 6th and an amazing connection to the precise beginning of the 7th Shemitah cycles. These Shemitah cycles may account for days, months, prophetic weeks, years, the days of the week and millennia or thousands of years. See the image below for greater clarity.
The graph above depicts this concept of the Shemitah seventh day preceded by six days. We know from scripture that the Creator rested on the 7th day as He created all in six days and rested on the 7th day. In one of the Ten Commandments is written that we should rest on the Sabbath. It is the commandment that separates us from the world and sets us apart. This concept of the twinkling of an eye plays into this concept as you will discover.
The Typical Hebrew Day & The Connection to the Twinkling of an Eye
The image above is from Torahcalendar.com/sunset and references a typical day from a Hebraic perspective. First, This concept of a 24 hour day is different from our Western mindset where the beginning of a new day begins precisely at midnight. In retrospect, the ancient Hebraic concept of a day began right after the morning twilight at sunrise and ended 12 hours later on sunset, which then began a special period time known as evening twilight where the day transitions into the night.
The precise moment of this transition is known as the twinkling of an eye or the moment when the day turns into the night. You will notice this concept on the graph above. So, if I were to use the reference of the weekly Sabbath, I would state the ending of the 6th day of Friday at sunset to the twinkling of an eye moment and into the 7th day of rest on the Saturday Sabbath.
For an even greater connection to the feast of Yom Teruah, I would now like to focus on the Jewish calendar and specifically the “Seven Lunar Month Shemitah Cycle” Image representing the 1st month of Nisan to the 7th Shemitah month of Tishri that happens typically in September.
A Deeper Understanding of the 7th Month of Tishri & Yom Teruah
It is my belief among with millions of Christians and Messianic believers worldwide that Yahshua (Jesus) will come back from His Father’s house (heaven) to rescue His bride at the beginning of the fall feast of Yom Teruah. This particular feast has many names or references. Listed are the most common idioms or meanings associated with this feast…
- The Feast of Trumpets or the Day of the Awakening Blast
- The beginning of the civil calendar
- The feast, “Where No Man Knows the day Nor Hour”
- The 7th Shemitah month of rest
- This Shemitah month represents Power, Kingship and Great Authority
- Kiddushin Nesu’in meaning the “Wedding of the Messiah”
- The Day of Jacob’s Trouble or Tribulation
- Yom HaKesh or “The Hidden Day”
- Ha Melech or “Coronation of the Messiah”
We can see that this is a very special day that will eventually play a major role in not only the Rapture of the Church but of the Messiah’s second coming or return. For a better explanation of this particular feast from a Christian perspective, be sure to watch the following video from Jimmy Evans as he does an excellent job from a Hebraic perspective…
Continuing with this concept of the ending of the 6th and the beginning of the 7th, we can clearly see that the Hebraic Calendar identifies Yom Teruah as being the precise feast of the Millennial Sabbath of rest on the Day “where no man knows the day or hour” with the exception of the 50th year of Jubilee whereby Yom Kippur begins the Civil New Year. For more on this concept of this idiom associated with the Groom coming for His Bride, please read my post titled, The Feasts, The Idioms and the Ancient Jewish Wedding.
Updated: I have new revelation and have created a new post post titled, Discover the Yom Kippur 2022 Connection with the Bride & the Beginning of tribulation as One Main Event. In this post, I make a connection to (YK) Yom Kippur 2022 as being the (SRD) Shemitah Release Day. Typically the SRD is attributed to Yom Teruah; however, there is an exception at the end of the 49th year or 7 sets of 7, just prior to the 50th year of Jubilee. Discover the two jubilee patterns that identify amazing connections to YK 2015, YK 2022 and with YK 2029. The SRD’s can be easily viewed on the Messianic Age graph below.
![Messianic Age Graph](https://september2021.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/MESSIANIC-AGE-GRAPH.png)
For a limited time, I am offering the unofficial 3rd edition of my book Messiah’s Jubilee for free.
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